Volleyball Rules

The Fieldhouse Sportscenter follows HOA rules as much as they can, in order to provide a learning experience for girls of all ages who are playing the game.  We want to exceed any 'recreational' leagues that your team might have played in and provide a place to play that has a set order of rules and continues to teach the players how to play on a competitive level no matter if they are just learning, a recreational team, or a competitive team.  Please find rules on the www.HOAvb.org website to follow as well.

Goals of the Volleyball League

  • To provide a competitive and fun experience for all participants
  • To value teamwork and sportsmanship
  • To help teach girls the skills needed at the next level of competition, whatever level that might be for each team


  1. The venue will provide a scorekeeper who will be responsible for keeping score for each match.
  2. The venue will provide at least 1 official per match.
  3. Each team MUST provide 1 line judge for each match.


  1. Registration will be available ONLINE AT WWW.fieldhousemo.com.


  1. Each team will play a 10 MATCH LEAGUE WITH 1 TO 2 MATCHES PER NIGHT, unless otherwise advertised.
  2. At least five players must be present at the start of the match or the match will be considered a forfeit. Forfeited matches will not be rescheduled.
  3. Each match will consist of a best of three series of games. The first two games will be rally scored to 25 (no cap) points starting at 4-4, and the third, if needed, will be rally scored to 15 (no cap) points starting at 0-0


  1. Warm Up will be 2 minutes shared and 4 minutes each team on the court.
  2. Every game must be won by a 2‐point margin
  3. Each team will have 2 ‐ 60 second timeouts per game that can be requested only when the ball is dead.
  4. Intermission between games will not exceed 3 minutes.
  5. Before the start of the match, a CAPTAIN from each team will meet with the official to determine serve or receive by a coin toss. The winner of the toss will choose whether they will l serve or receive first. The opposing team will get to choose which side they would like to start on.
  6. After the first game, the teams will switch sides. If a third game is necessary, captains will meet with the official at the scorer’s table to do a coin toss. The winner of the toss will choose whether they’d like to serve or receive first. The opposing team will get to choose their side.
  7. Let Serve will be used – a ball that when served, hits the net without and continues across the net into the opponent's court is a playable live ball.
  8. One or Two Liberos will be used as a part of the team, only utilizing one at a time.
  9. Libero will be allowed to serve.
  10. If a ball is hit and makes contact with the ceiling but doesn’t go over the net, and there is still a contact you may continue play.
  11. Serving Lines
    1. 3rd and 4th grade will be allowed to step up to the 3-point line in order to get the ball over the net - foot fault will not be called in this division
    2. 5th and 6th grade will follow the serve in rules (6'6 from end line)
    3. Competitive level 6th grade will serve from the endline -
    4. 7th thru adults endline
  12. If you are the 1st receiving team, you will rotate for your 1st server.
  13. Net Height
    1. 6th grade and below 7’0
    2. 7th grade thru adults 7’4 1/8"
  14. VolleyLites will be used for 6th grade divisions and below.
  15. Substitutions: 12 subs per set
  16. Players that come out can only go back in for that same player:Example: If player #1 goes in for #2, player #2 cannot come back in for anyone except for player #1. This has to continue until the game is over. The next game the substitutions and line up can reset.
  17. Injury substitutions may be made at any time.
  18. Matches will be played according to the times and dates scheduled.
  19. Decisions of the referee/coordinator are FINAL! There are NO discussions or arguments about rules, interpretations, or judgment calls.


  • If a team has a libero, that person MUST be identified before the match.
  • No Jewelry should be worn while playing.
  • Teams will be responsible for providing their own warm up balls during league and tournament play. Please be sure your team name is written clearly on them, it is recommended that individual players do not bring their own balls unless the team name is clearly written on the ball.


  1. If a coach is not present at game time, a parent or adult will act as the team’s coach.
  2. Only 2 coaches will be allowed “on the bench”. All other adults, siblings, other children must be in the bleachers.
  3. Coaches must stay at least 5 feet from the edge of the court on the bench side. Coaches are not allowed to roam behind the court or on the other side.
  4. Poor sportsmanship WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Coaches are responsible for themselves, their players, and THEIR FANS’ behavior:
    1. If a problem occurs from a coach, a player, or a spectator, a warning will be given to that respective team.
    2. If the problem still exists after the warning, the coach will once again be notified and the referee will issue a point for the opposite team.
    3. Further problems will result in a forfeit of the game and possible suspensions of teams, coaches, and/or fans.
  5. All issues should be brought up to the Fieldhouse Management.

Parents and Spectators

  1. Poor sportsmanship WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Parents and Spectators are responsible for their behavior.
    1. If a problem occurs, a warning will be given.
    2. If the problem persists, the person will be removed from the gym.

Determination of winners for a league

  1. Winner will be determined by most wins in the session, if there is a tie
  2. the decision will go head-to-head, if there is still a tie
  3. the teams in question will have the opportunity to decide to play a play-off set (all teams must agree) and there must be available time at the Fieldhouse - if not, the winners will concede to be co-champions of the league.
  4. *** if a team plays more games than other teams within the league - the extra games will not count towards their record (if they win it will not count, if they lose it will not count)

HOA Sanctioned Tournaments

Heart of America Sanctioned Tournaments will follow Heart of America/USA Volleyball rules during sanctioned tournaments.