Spectator Policy
The Fieldhouse Sportscenter (The Fieldhouse) encourages families and friends to support the players participating in our events. Naturally, while enjoying competitive events, spectators become emotionally charged and enthusiastic. The Fieldhouse encourages these emotions to be channeled into positive reinforcement of the players' efforts, success, and even failures. There is a fine line between yelling “at” the players and yelling “for” the players that should not be crossed. In order to ensure a positive environment for the players, it is essential to establish policies that address situations that may occur in which the players become exposed to unreasonable negative situations.
The game officials (a.k.a. referees) shall have the support of The Fieldhouse management and directors. The game officials will be charged with the authority to determine if any spectator’s behavior is creating a negative environment for the players in any way. This would include but not be limited to excessive negative verbal comments, taunting players, taunting officials, entering the court area, or any other activity perceived to be unsportsmanlike. In the event that a spectator exhibits inappropriate behavior, an official will typically issue a warning to the head coach(es) as deemed appropriate and this warning shall be documented by the official scorer. If another occurrence is identified by a game official, a penalty shall be assessed. In the event of a second such occurrence or an excessively aggressive act by a spectator, in the judgment of the game official, no warning shall be issued and a penalty may be immediately assessed as follows:
A technical foul may be assessed against a team whose spectator(s) exhibit unsportsmanlike behavior.
Individual spectators exhibiting unsportsmanlike will be ejected from the game in which case they shall not be allowed to return to the Fieldhouse until they have completed a “Spectator Counseling Session” which is administered by the Fieldhouse.